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P o r n o star database
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Bio off Jenna Haze Pornstar
Every industry has its veterans, from athletics to the the military. In porno land, veterans are teen girls who have successfully graduated from one genre to another without missing a beat. Jenna Haze is one of the vets, having started out as tight little teen learning how to blow pole for spunky rewards, and continuing for over a decade through to lesbian porn, fetish scenes, anal and orgies. Now, Jenna Haze is a hall-of-famer, but she hasn’t gotten too big for other sexy nude bitches. With her own studio, Jenna keeps rocking hot bodies on cock and making girls wet as regularly as you be jerkin your gherkin.
So what keeps this vet on top of her game? Real petite body that can handle the roughest pounding? Check. Whorish eyes that scream for action? Check. Bitable tits, munchable muff and grabbable ass? Triple check. But it’s dedication that really sets a star above the rest of us. Even though Jenna has talked about giving up getting nasty while the film rolls, she has no plans to leave the business entirely.
We hope with experience like this, generations of rookie sluts will get the training they need from watching her work. Teaching is preaching, after all, and who wouldn’t want to get schooled and disciplined by none other than Jenna Haze. If you missed any of her naughty lessons, good thing us Pornhub junkies work hard to stuff your faces full of Jenna’s fuck footage.